
A tool to track tasks, record audio and collect probands’ demographics, designed to be used in a think-aloud approach


Task-tracker is available on pip!

pip install task-tracking==0.0.2

How to use

Example on how to use task-tracker on a lasagne recipe.


You can find the notebook and the results of the lasagne recipe at https://github.com/KonKob/task-tracker/blob/main/test_data.

This is how the landing page looks like after completing a trial:

landing page
  • Whenever the trial is started here, an audio recording is started, that can be transcribed after completion of the trial.

  • At the right you see the timeline of tasks over the session so far. You can update it at any time.

  • In the middle of the landing page, you can add a description manually to running or finished tasks.

  • The proband metadata can be saved at any time by clicking Export proband metadata.

  • To pause all tasks, you can click Start pause for all during a running trial.

The proband metadata can be entered in the following mask:

proband metadata

Tasks, that you want to track, are shown in different tabs.

task page
  • Whenever you click on a task, this task is started and another task running in this tab is ended. You can end a task by clicking No task running as well.

  • If you find, that you forgot a tasks, you can add it by entering the name in the grey line Other and then clicking the grey button Other.

  • To pause a task, just hit Start pause.

Exporting the results creates excel files.

#from task_tracker.utils import load_trial
#trial = load_trial("../test_data/2023-08-07_17.43.23_0000_Chef/")
lane duration_in_s task_number task_name start_time end_time description_0
0 Kitchen appliances 1.3528 12 Pause 203.6099 204.9627 220°C
1 Kitchen appliances 52.8952 6 Stove 89.5415 142.4367 NaN
2 Kitchen appliances 111.9687 12 Oven 142.4370 255.7585 220°C
3 Ingredients 28.0470 0 Onions 10.3749 38.4219 NaN
4 Ingredients 19.8456 2 Carrots 39.5850 59.4306 NaN

For visualization, several plots are created.

The cumulative duration spent in certain tasks can be shown as bar and tie plots.

cumulative duration of tasks in trial

It can also be shown, how much time was spent in tasks running in parallel to other tasks.

tie plot per task